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How To Donate At Church

Tithes and offerings are collected during our worship service. To pay with a Card, feel free to use the debit machine provided in the front lobby of the church.

Giving By Cash or Cheque

Donations made at the church may be made in cash or by cheque made payable to Ottawa East Adventist Church. Fill out an envelope to receive a charitable receipt at year-end.

Donating Online

Adventist Giving Online is a service offered by the global Seventh-day Adventist Church. Donations can be made with any bank debit card affiliated with Visa or Mastercard.

Each week, a special offering appeal is designated by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists to help further the work of the gospel. To give to this cause, fill out a tithe envelope at church and write in the name of the special offering recipient.


» Read about the recipient of this coming Sabbath’s special offering.

1 Chronicles 29:9

The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also rejoiced greatly.

What Is Tithe?

Tithe is a tenth portion (10%) of your income that God claims as His. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, contributions designated as tithe are pooled to support the gospel ministry of the world church.

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Because tithe is reserved for a special purpose, freewill offerings provide direct support to the local church. Offerings are a gift above and beyond tithe. The giving percentage is left to the individual to choose.

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Your contribution to the church budget is what covers the day-to-day expenses and ministries of Ottawa East, including office expenses, utilities, facility maintenance, and all local ministry and outreach expenses. We count on your faithful giving to help us meet our obligations and fulfill our vision.

What Is Offering?

What Is Church Budget?

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